Letter Addresses Discrimination Against the Severely Disabled in Federal I/DD Committee

Letter by Dawn Kovacovich to the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities (PCPID) points out the committee’s discrimination against those with the most severe cognitive disabilities.

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Media Misstep: Non-Profound Autism Definitely Does Not Mean "Mild"

While we embrace the progress of the profound autism label, we must be vigilant to ensure the term does not obscure the broader population clearly and often severely disabled by autism but who do not meet criteria for "profound" — or be used to trivialize the skyrocketing rates of autism.

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NCSA Letter to IACC: Stop Sanitizing Autism

The IACC was intended to encompass the representation of the entire population disabled by autism to tackle the serious national crisis engulfing our families and communities, but the unbalanced slate of membership of the committee has led to a highly distorted discussions about priorities for federal agency efforts.

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